Return Policy

Eligibility for Returns We accept returns within 14 days of the purchase date. To qualify for a return, please ensure the following:

  • The item must be accompanied by the original receipt and packaging.
  • Discounted and sale items are not eligible for return.

Process for Returns To initiate a return, you will need to provide a receipt or proof of purchase.


Inspection and Approval Once we receive your returned item, it will be inspected. We will notify you via email regarding the status of your return:

  • If approved, you will receive an email confirmation, and your refund will be processed promptly.
  • If rejected, we will provide an explanation in the email.

Shipping Returns

Mailing Instructions To return your product, please send it to the following email address:

Shipping Costs You are responsible for covering the shipping costs for returns. Please note that shipping times for exchanged products may vary based on your location.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our customer support.

Speak to us: +254703739365


Email us:
Shipping & delivery